Donya Mosleh
PhD Student

PhD Students
Donya Mosleh is a PhD candidate at the Rehabilitation Sciences Institute at the University of Toronto, and the Critical Disability and Rehabilitation Studies Unit at the Bloorview Research Institute, working under the supervision of Dr. Barbara Gibson. Her research interests include critical perspectives on children’s rehabilitation with an emphasis on challenging assumptions regarding ab/normality, dis/ability and childhoods. Her work aims to enhance children’s rehabilitation by promoting more inclusive and non-stigmatizing practices for young disabled children. Donya’s work draws on sociology, critical disability studies, posthumanist theories and critical qualitative health research. Her doctoral project uses a virtual posthuman ethnography to explore how disability, identity and illness are created across multiple contexts, as a means to identify alternative enactments and challenge common notions of disability and illness as deficits.
Areas of Focus
critical disability studies; disabled children; normalization; identity