Y-PEM - Youth, Young-adult Participation and Environment Measure

What is Y-PEM?
The Youth, Young-adult Participation & Environment Measure (Y-PEM), inspired by the Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth (PEM-CY), is a self-reported measure that examines the participation and environment of youth and young adults ages 12-30 years across four settings: home, school/educational setting, community, and the workplace.
The Y-PEM is designed to gather the first-hand experiences of youth and young adults about their current participation and the perceived supports and barriers to participation. The Y-PEM is a population-based measure, and its items apply to youth and young adults, both with and without disabilities.
What does it include?
The perspectives of young people ensured that the content (e.g., activity types, list of examples, environmental factors, and strategies) is clear and relevant and includes pertinent life areas for young people. Examples include mature activities such as dating, preparing meals, taking driving lessons, going to routine appointments, and running errands, using more up-to-date forms of technology, and taking age-appropriate roles such as caring for others and working or preparing for work.
The newly added workplace participation domain (or setting) contains six participation items (activity sets) and 16 environmental items.
- The first three participation items pertain to work preparation activities, engaging in the process of selecting an area of work or a profession, seeking and acquiring employment, and training for a job.
- The last three items of the workplace participation domain capture actual work participation; volunteering or working in an unpaid job, working in a paid job, and attending work-related events and social gatherings.
- Overall, there are 31 participation items (or activity sets) in the Y-PEM; 10 in the home setting, five in the school/educational setting, 10 in the community setting, and six in the workplace setting.
How do I get it?
Please select the type of license and language you would like. Once you provide your information and the transaction is complete, you can download the PDF file, and you will be emailed the license and receipt confirming your purchase.
For additional information, please contact the CanChild Shop at ccstore@mcmaster.ca.
For inquiries about research collaboration using Y-PEM and to learn about ongoing research using Y-PEM please contact Dana Anaby at the ASPIRE Lab: dana.anaby@mcgill.ca
A sample page from the Y-PEM can be found below:

Authors: Dana Anaby, Saeideh Shahin, Wendy Coster, Mary Law, Gary Bedell